Senin, 19 Desember 2011




Di Negara kita banyak sekali perusahaan yang telah melakukan pelanggran hukum dengan sengaja atau tidak sengaja. Sebuah perusahaan yang sedang mengalami penurunan (pailit) akhirnya memutuskan untuk melakukan PHK kepada karyawannya. Namun dalam melakukan PHK itu, perusahaan sama sekali tidak memberikan pesongan sebagaimana yang diatur dalam UU No. 13/2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan. Maka perusahaan sepeti ini tidak bisa didiamkan begitu saja. Sebagai karyawan harus mendapatkan hak atas ketenagakerjaan.
Dimana tanggung jawab perusahaan ada 3 Syarat :
1. Mengandaikan bahwa suatu tindakan di lakukan secara sadar.
2. Mengandaikan adanya kebebasan dalam melakukan tindakan secara bebas
3. Orang yang melakukan tindakan memang mau melakukan tindakan itu sendiri.


Puluhan karyawan PT Indosiar Visual Mandiri, Kamis 11 maret 2010 kembali berdemonstrasi dengan cara memblokade pintu masuk kantor Indosiar di Jalan Damai nomor 11, Daan Mogot Raya, Jakarta Barat. Bukan cuma itu, demonstran juga membentangkan sejumlah poster dan spanduk yang mewakili perasaan mereka, tentang manajemen tidak adil dan pilih kasih dalam hal pemecatan. Oleh karena itu, karyawan yang telantar berdemo menuntut keadilan. Selain itu, demonstran juga menuntut pembayaran upah yang belum dibayarkan perusahaan. Sedangkan dalam pemutusan hubungan kerja yang diatur dalam Pasal 150 tentang PHK Yaitu ; Ketentuan mengenai pemutusan hubungan kerja dalam undang-undang ini meliputi pemutusan hubungan kerja yang terjadi di badan usaha yang berbadan hukum atau tidak, milik orang perseorangan, milik persekutuan atau milik badan hukum, baik milik swasta maupun milik negara, maupun usaha-usaha sosial dan usaha-usaha lain yang mempunyai pengurus dan mempekerjakan orang lain dengan membayar upah atau imbalan dalam bentuk lain.


Dalam pemutusan hubungan kerja ada baiknya jika suatu perusahaan memberikan kebijakan berupa pesangon dan telah membayar seluruh kewajibannya dalam hal membayar upah karyawannya, yang merupakan hak mutlak yang harus mereka terima (Pengupahan
Pasal 88) yaitu setiap pekerja berhak memperoleh penghasilan yang memenuhi penghidupan yang layak bagi kemanusiaan.


Untuk mewujudkan etika dalam berbisnis perlu pembicaraan yang transparan antara semua pihak, baik pengusaha, pemerintah, masyarakat agar jangan hanya satu pihak saja yang menjalankan etika Sementara pihak lain berpijak kepada apa yang mereka inginkan. Etika bisnis tidak akan dilanggar jika ada aturan dan sangsi yang jelas. Apabila ada yang melanggar aturan diberikan sangsi yang tegas untuk memberi pelajaran kepada yang bersangkutan.



Rabu, 02 November 2011

7 Tips agar Tetap Termotivasi Berolahraga

Pernahkah Anda mencoba untuk memulai program latihan kebugaran atau olahraga, tetapi kemudian berhenti? Jika ya, Anda tidak sendirian. Banyak orang memulai program kebugaran, tetapi berhenti lantaran mereka bosan dan hasil yang diharapkan tidak kunjung datang.

Sebenarnya, Anda tidak perlu memutuskan sampai berhenti melakukan program kebugaran tersebut jika tahu cara menyiasatinya. Berikut adalah tujuh tips untuk membantu Anda tetap termotivasi melakukan aktivitas kebugaran dan olahraga.

1. Tetapkan tujuan

Mulailah dengan tujuan sederhana, setelah itu maju ke tahap janga panjang. Anda harus selalu mengingat akan tujuan yang ingin dicapai, dan buatlah itu menjadi suatu kenyataan. Seseorang akan menjadi sangat mudah frustrasi dan menyerah jika mempunyai tujuan yang terlalu ambisius.

2. Buat segalanya menyenangkan

Cari olahraga atau aktivitas yang Anda sukai. Program latihan akan berjalan lancar jika Anda melakukannya tanpa beban. Jika Anda tidak menikmati program latihan tertentu, jangan langsung memutuskan untuk berhenti. Akan tetapi, cobalah dengan sesuatu yang berbeda. Ingat, olahraga tidak harus membosankan, Anda bisa memulainya sesuai dengan hobi Anda.

3. Aktivitas fisik sebagai rutinitas harian

Banyak orang beralasan, sulit menemukan waktu luang untuk berolahraga. Waktu bukanlah alasan bagi Anda untuk tidak melakukan olahraga. Lakukan dengan cara yang sederhana, misalnya gunakan tangga (bukan lift) di tempat kerja dan mengayuh sepeda stasioner atau treadmill saat Anda menonton TV di malam hari.

4. Tulis rencana program latihan

Membuat rencana latihan olahraga secara teratur di atas kertas dapat membantu Anda tetap termotivasi. Mencatat apa yang sudah dilakukan, berapa lama berolahraga, dan bagaimana perasaan sesudahnya dapat membantu Anda untuk menilai apa saja kekurangan yang perlu Anda perbaiki.

5. Bergabung dengan teman

Anda sebaiknya tidak sendirian. Undang teman atau rekan kerja untuk bergabung dengan Anda ketika memutuskan untuk berolahraga. Melakukan kegiatan secara bersama-sama akan membuat Anda lebih bersemangat dan termotivasi.

6. Hadiahi diri Anda sendiri

Setiap melakukan sesi latihan, luangkan waktu beberapa menit untuk Anda merasakan betapa bermanfaatnya olahraga. Jenis imbalan internal ini dapat membantu Anda untuk membuat komitmen jangka panjang dalam melakukan olahraga secara teratur.

7. Bersikaplah fleksibel

Jika Anda terlalu sibuk bekerja di luar dan merasa tidak sanggup melakukan program latihan sesuai jadwal, ambillah satu atau dua hari untuk istirahat. Jangan memaksakan sesuatu yang sudah tidak mungkin dapat Anda lakukan. Yang terpenting adalah bagaimana Anda bisa kembali ke program latihan setelah merasa semuanya kembali baik.

Ujung Genteng

Ujung Genteng......, Mungkin baru kali ini mendengar namanya, juga cukup lucu bila diartikan secara umum. Sebetulnya Ujung Genteng adalah daerah pesisir pantai selatan Jawa Barat, terletak ±200 Km dari kota Jakarta. Ujung Genteng masuk wilayah pemerintahan Kabupaten Sukabumi. Sebagian besar penduduknya adalah Nelayan & Petani, ada juga yang beralih menjadi penyadap Nira dan dijadikan gula kelapa. Sebetulnya nama Ujung Genteng berasal dari Ujung Gunting, dimana posisi Ujung Genteng berada di ujung salah satu sudut pulau di Jawa Barat yg berbentuk gunting. Dimana bagian ujung gunting atas berada di Ujung Kulon & bagian ujung gunting bawah berada di Ujung Genteng. Maka dinamakanlah daerah tersebut Ujung gunting = Ujung Genteng.

Perkiraan perjalanan antara 5~6 jam dari Kota Jakarta, memang dirasakan sangat lama karena harus melalui kota kecil seperti Cicurug & Cibadak yang terkenal macet, lalu melalui jalan ke arah palabuhan ratu yg tidak terlalu besar serta jalan menanjak & berbelok-belok sepanjang ±14 Km, namun memiliki pemandangan yang indah di sisi kanan jalan, yaitu pesisir pantai palabuhan ratu yang terlihat jelas dari atas bukit Bagbagan. Melalui pula perkebunan teh Surangga, baru nanti melewati kota kecil Kiara Dua, Jampang Kulon & terakhir Surade. Kesemuanya itu merupakan jalan kecil yg tidak bisa dilalui dengan kecepatan tinggi, apalagi harus melintasi daerah hutan dengan kondisi jalan menanjak & menurun.

Keunikan pantai Ujung Genteng yaitu kita bisa menikmati matahari terbit juga matahari terbenam, mungkin lebih cocok bagi pecinta Fotografi. Pantainya masih cukup bersih dengan ciri khas pesisir pantai selatan yang terkenal bersih airnya dan ombaknya yang besar. Keunikan lain yaitu dipesisir pantai sepanjang ujung genteng hingga pantai batu nunggul tidak terdapat ombak karena sudah tertahan oleh beting karang yang berada sekitar 200m sebelum garis pantai. Pada saat pasang air laut memenuhi pantai dengan kedalam air 0,5 ~ 1 meter, sangat cocok untuk berendam, bermain perahu karet, juga aktifitas lain seperti kolam luas dengan air yang berarus tenang. Bila surut, maka kita bisa berjalan ketengah sambil melihat2 biota laut seperti bintang laut, siput2, ikan2 hias yg terperangkap, udang2 kecil & bahkan cacing2 laut.

Didaerah Ujung Genteng sendiri terdapat banyak tempat menarik, seperti melihat langsung penyu hijau (Chelonia Mydas) bertelur pada malam hari, yang menggali lubang untuk telurnya, menutup lubang untuk telurnya, juga anda bisa menyentuh penyu hijau tersebut. Ada juga lokasi dimana anda bisa berselancar yang menurut beberapa orang mancanegara merupakan tempat yang bagus karena masih bersih & ombaknya cukup menantang. Untuk yang suka memancing di Ujung Genteng merupakan tempat yang sering dikunjungi oleh para pemancing dari daerah lain dan menurut mereka ikannya lebih banyak serta cukup bervariasi, Konon juga masih banyak ikan Marlin. Bagi yang suka dengan ketenangan bisa merasakannya di pantai Ujung Genteng ini, apalagi garis pantai yang panjangnya mencapai ±6 Km dan menghadap arah barat, begitu indah bila dinikmati pada saat matahari terbenam. Juga bagi yang suka berpetualang dengan kendaraan 4WD, Trail Bike, Mountain Bike, Surfing & Boating, didaerah Ujung Genteng ini sangat cocok tempatnya. Masih ada beberapa obyek & kegiatan menarik lainnya yang tidak bisa disebutkan satu persatu karena memang banyak sekali & jarang ada di daerah lain.

Mungkin itu sekilas gambaran mengenai daerah Ujung Genteng. Untuk lebih detail mengenai peta lokasi, transportasi, kondisi, akomodasi, obyek menarik, kumpulan foto dan berita-berita yang berhubungan dengan Ujung Genteng bisa anda jelajahi website ini lebih dalam lagi. Dan semoga anda tidak buta & tersesat di Ujung Genteng.

Cara meninggikan Badan Secara Cepat dan Alami

Tips cara meninggikan badan. Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa masa pertumbuhan manusia yang paling produktif cuma sampe umur 18 tahun, setelah masa itu masa pertumbuhan perlahan mulai berkurang sampai umur 25 tahun. Selain karena faktor usia hormon pertumbuhan juga bisa berhenti sebelum waktunya karena faktor stres dalam kehidupannya (sekolah, tempat kerja, rumah tangga dll).Tinggi badan yang ideal untuk seseorang sangatlah perlu karena bisa jadi Tinggi Badan Pengaruhi Tingkat Rasa Cemburu

Bagi seseorang yang (maaf) Cebol mungkin tips ini juga perlu anda coba. Langkah-Langkah meninggikan badan yang perlu anda coba yaitu :
1.Konsumsi susu secara teratur, minimal 2 kali sehari. Susu yang dikonsumsi adalah susu yang mengandung protein tinggi.
2.Bangun Pagi jangan lupa untuk mengolor badan anda.
3.Makan makanan yang begizi dan perbanyak mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung protein serta serat yang baik. Seperti ikan, daging dan sayur-sayuran.
4.Lakukan olahraga secara rutin seperti renang, lari-lari, basket, skipping, dan olahraga lain yang bersifat menggerakkan seluruh tubuh (main catur ga akan menambah tinggi badan pastinya hehehe).
5.Jangan terlalu sering mengangkat yang berat-berat, apabila kamu atau anak kamu sering melakukan hal ini maka akan menghambat pertumbuhan. Contohnya tas sekolah yang terlalu berat.
6.Yang terakhir adalah semangat, ini sangat penting. Karena apabila SEOrang anak bersemangat untuk tinggi, maka ia akan selalu melakukan hal itu dengan rutin.
7. Setiap duduk ataupun berdiri biasakan bersikap tegap jangan membungkuk karena tulang belakang anda akan sulit tumbuh ketika anda membungkuk.
8.Biasakan tidur lurus, tidak terlalu mlungker.

Puisi untuk IBU

adalah wanita yang telah melahirkanku
hingga diriku telah dewasa

adalah wanita yang selalu siaga tatkala aku dalam buaian
tatkala kaki-kakiku belum kuat untuk berdiri
tatkala perutku terasa lapar dan haus
tatkala kuterbangun di waktu pagi, siang dan malam

adalah wanita yang penuh perhatian
bila aku sakit
bila aku terjatuh
bila aku menangis
bila aku kesepian

telah kupandang wajahmu diwaktu tidur
terdapat sinar yang penuh dengan keridhoan
terdapat sinar yang penuh dengan kesabaran
terdapat sinar yang penuh dengan kasih dan sayang
terdapat sinar kelelahan karena aku

Aku yang selalu merepotkanmu
aku yang selalu menyita perhatianmu
aku yang telah menghabiskan air susumu
aku yang selalu menyusahkanmu hingga muncul tangismu

engkau menangis karena aku
engkau sedih karena aku
engkau menderita karena aku
engkau kurus karena aku
engkau korbankan segalanya untuk aku

jasamu tiada terbalas
jasamu tiada terbeli
jasamu tiada akhir
jasamu tiada tara
jasamu terlukis indah di dalam surga

hanya do'a yang bisa kupersembahkan untukmu
karena jasamu
tiada terbalas

Hanya tangisku sebagai saksi
atas rasa cintaku padamu

juga kepada Ayah...!!!

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Kadang yg sederhana itu begitu istimewa

Kadang yg sederhana itu begitu istimewa

Di acara reality show Oprah Winfrey, yang ditayangkan oleh Metro TV,
ditampilkan seorang gadis mungil berusia 5 tahun, asal USA, mengenakan kacamata plastik (mirip kacamata renang),
lucu, manis, secara fisik terlihat normal (agak gemuk), dan berperilaku seperti anak-anak seusianya pada umumnya.

Hanya saja, si gadis kecil ini mengidap suatu penyakit bawaan sejak lahir yang sangat langka, yaitu tidak memiliki rasa sakit (tidak memiliki syaraf rasa sakit) di sekujur tubuhnya.

Sejak bayi, si kecil jarang rewel, atau menangis. Hanya terkadang suhu badannya yang menghangat.
Penyakit bawaan yang diderita si kecil itupun baru diketahui (kalau tidak salah) ketika sang bocah mencolok-colok matanya karena gatal, dan tidak menangis kesakitan. Hanya saja darah tetap mengalir keluar. Akibat kejadian tersebut, satu matanya menjadi buta. Setelah kejadian itu, barulah dikenakan kacamata khusus untuk melindunginya.

Pernah suatu ketika, ketika gigi si kecil sudah tumbuh, saat kedua orangtuanya agak lengah, si kecil sedang asyik menggigit-gigit jari tangannya sendiri hingga hancur. Tentu saja si kecil tetap tenang karena sama sekali tidak merasakan sakit.

Sebagai pencegahan, akhirnya diputuskan untuk mencabut semua giginya, tanpa sisa. Terutama sebagai pencegahan agar dia tidak sampai mengunyah lidahnya sendiri karena akan dianggap sebagai permen karet!!

Karena kejadian-kejadian itulah, si kecil mendapat ‘perhatian dan pengawasan extra’ dari seluruh anggota keluarganya (kedua orang tuanya dan sang kakak). Karena dia telah kehilangan sensitifitas akan adanya bahaya bahaya yang bisa menimpanya, hingga kini.

Karena itu bersyukurlah karena kita masih diberikan rasa sakit oleh Tuhan, walaupun kita seringkali mengeluh karena rasa sakit tersebut

Pria yang tidak bisa gemuk

Namanya Perry berumur 59 tahun, pria ini dapat memakan makanan apapun yang diinginkannya dalam jumlah tak terbatas termasuk makanan tinggi lemak seperti makanan fast food dan dia tidak perlu khawatir kegemukan. Pria ini menderita kelainan yang disebut Lipodystrophy, kondisi yang membuat tubuhnya secara cepat membakar lemak.

Dahulu Perry adalah anak yang cukup gendut, tetapi ketika berumur 12 tahun tiba-tiba berat tubuhnya turun bebas hanya dalam waktu semalam. Meski berusaha makan sebanyak apapun tetapi tidak menimbulkan efek apa-apa. Pada akhirnya ketika diperiksa ditemukan kelainan tersebut, tubuh Perry ternyata memproduksi hormon insulin 6x lebih banyak dibandingkan orang kebanyakan. Benar-benar kondisi yang diimpikan oleh para pengingin tubuh ramping.

Pria yang tidak merasakan dingin

Dutchman Wim Hof namanya, dikenal dengan sebutan Iceman, pria ini mampu berenang di air es dan mengubur dirinya ditimbunan es. Bahkan dia pernah memanjat gunung Blanc hanya dengan celana pendek saja!

Para ilmuan tidak dapat menjelaskan kondisi fisik ini, bagaimana bisa pria berumur 48 tahun ini tahan bahkan betah didalam suhu dingin yang seharusnya fatal bagi orang kebanyakan.

Anak yang tidak tidur: terjaga selama 24 jam selama setahun

Rhett Lamb terlihat seperti anak berumur 3 tahun kebanyakan, tetapi ada satu hal yang membuatnya benar-benar berbeda dengan anak sebayanya, yaitu kondisi dimana dia mampu tidak tidur meski hanya sekejap saja.

Rhett terjaga hampir 24 jam penuh selama setahun! membuat orang tua dan dokternya berjaga bergantian untuk mengamati Rhett untuk menemukan solusi. Akhirnya dokter mendiagnosa Rhett mengalami kondisi yang disebut "CHIARI MALFORMATION".

Otak Rhett secara harafiah terdesak oleh kolom tulang belakang, Sehingga mengacaukan sistem kerja otak, padahal otak mempunyai fungsi vital untuk mengantur rasa ngantuk, berbicara, emosi, sistem sirkulasi tubuh, bahkan mengatur pernafasan.

Gadis remaja yang alergi terhadap air

Namanya Ashleigh Morris, dia tidak bisa pergi berenang, berendam di bak air hangat dan bahkan mandi sekalipun karena dia alergi terhadap air, Bahkan berkeringat pun membuat gadis berumur 19 tahun ini kesakitan.

Ashleigh berasal dari Malbourne, Australia, alergi terhadap air bertemperatur berapapun, kondisi ini terjadi sejak dia berumur 14 tahun. Dia menderita kelainan kulit yang disebut Aquagenic Urticaria, suatu kondisi yang benar-benar langka terjadi didunia.

Wanita yang tidak dapat lupa

Merupakan kemampuan dari wanita bernama AJ (nama asli dirahasiakan untuk menjaga privasi), berumur 40 tahun. McGaugh dan beberapa peneliti dari UCI Researchers telah mempelajari kemampuan luar biasa dari wanita ini. kemampuan untuk menyimpan secara terus menerus dan otomatis pengalaman pribadi dan kejadian umum yang dialami oleh AJ. Jika kita menanyakan hal secara acak peristiwa yang terjadi selama 25 tahun belakangan, AJ dapat menjelaskannya secara detail apa yang terjadi pada waktu itu, hari apa, dan bagaimana cuaca pada hari itu.

Gadis yang hanya makan permen tic tac

Namanya Natalie Cooper, berumur 17 tahun. gadis remaja yang memiliki penyakit misterius yang membuatnya sakit setiap kali makan sesuatu. hampir semua makanan kecuali satu, yaitu permen tic tac!

Dokter tidak dapat menjelaskan, jadi hanya tic tac yang dia makan, selebihnya untuk mendapatkan gizi Natalie mendapatkannya dari makanan dalam tabung (infus).

Gadis yang pingsan setiap kali tertawa

Namanya Kay Underwood, berumur 20 tahun, menderita Cataplexy yang berarti ketika si penderita mengalami emosi berlebihan, ototnya akan melemah. hal seperti gembira,ketakutan, terkejut, kagum dapat membuatnya langsung jatuh tepat dimana dia berada.

Kay menderita penyakit ini sejak 5 tahun yang lalu, pingsan lebih dari 40x dalam sehari. Kay mengatakan "orang menganggap hal ini sangat aneh dan tidaklah mudah menghadapi reaksi orang lain".

Selain Cataplexy Kay juga harus melawan Narcolepsy, yaitu kondisi yang dapat membuatnya tertidur secara tiba-tiba. Narcolepsy menyerang lebih dari 30.000 orang di UK dan sekitar 70% nya juga memiliki penyakit Cataplexy.

Wanita yang alergi terhadap teknologi

Untuk sebagian besar orang, Handphone, memasak dengan Microwave adalah bagian dari kehidupan di abad 21. tetapi benda ini sangat tidak mungkin dimiliki bagi Debbie Bird, karena dia alergi terhadap Handphone dan Microwaves.

Wanita berumur 39 tahun ini sangat sensitif gelombang elektromagnetik (EMF) yang dihasilkan oleh komputer, handphone, microwave dan beberapa mobil. efek bila terkena kulit Debbie adalah luka ruam memerah dan bisa melebar 3x jika berada terlalu dekat dengan sumber EMF. Maka Suami Debbie yang bekerja sebagai manager health spa merubah rumah mereka menjadi bebas EMF.

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Writing Conditional Sentence

Writing Conditional Sentence

1. If you had taken my advice, you could have a job.
2. I would have had less trouble if I heard your advice.
3. If anyone had asked me about it, I would have told the truth.
4. Our dog Saki would have barked if he had heard the strange noise.
5. If I had been in your place, I would accept Mr. Roy to offer.
6. Bill wouldn’t say anything if he didn’t have your permission.
7. If you had followed my instructions, you wouldn’t fail in your exam.
8. You wouldn’t have lost your money if you did have invest it.
9. If John have taken better care of his car, it would have saved his life.
10. We couldn’t have gone on our trip if we didn’t lost our money.
11. If you left only your house earlier, you don’t be late to come here.
12. I would have been much better if I have had drink my medichine.
13. If my watch hadn’t been five minutes slow, I wouldn’t come too late.
14. Thing would have been different, if you want to followed me.
15. If I had been born a century ago, I would to be a author like Anais Nin.

Why Thunderstorms Could Happen?

Why Thunderstorms Could Happen?

Lightning results from transfer of negative charge toward the positive charge. According to the limits of physics, lightning is a giant leap sparks between the two masses with different electric field. The basic principle is approximately equal to the jump at the spark plug fires.

Lightning is the result of electrical discharge in the cloud. Energy from the release was so great that raises a series of light, heat, and a powerful sound that is geluduk, thunder, or lightning. Geluduk, thunder, or lightning can destroy buildings, kill people, and destroy the tree. So huge that when lightning shot, the clouds will clear the body made​​, as a result of a split air, sambarannya which have an average speed of 150,000 km / sec it will also cause a thunderous sound.

Why We Drowsiness After Lunch?

Why We Drowsiness After Lunch?

The hours after lunch, usually are period-the most difficult period skipped. Although the night before we had enough sleep, we still feel sleepy. There are two things that cause us to feel like a nap

1. L-Tryptophan
L-Tryptophan is an amino acid into the formation of the basic ingredients niacin, vitamin B Niacin itself will be used to make serotonin, a substance in the brain signals conductor can be feeling uncomfortable and cause us to fall asleep.

Carbohydrate-rich foods such as rice, will stimulate the pancreas to produce insulin, which will keep food in the body. Several other amino acid which was contained in the blood together with L-Tryptophan, will enter into muscle cells. As a result, there will be an increase in the relative concentration of L-tryptophan and serotonin in the blood that formed to make us sleepy.

2. The process of food digestion
The body will send blood to the digestive system because the digestive process requires considerable energy, especially if it needs to digest foods that contain lots of fat. The energy required will also increase in size as more and more food we eat. At this time, the nervous system also contribute part of their blood stock and as a result, the nervous system will experience a shortage of oxygen for a while. The reduced effectiveness of the nerve at the time of the digestive system to work is what also makes us want to take a nap.



Those who do not like it call it responsibility. those who play with him, calling it a game. those who do not have it, calling it a dream. they are loved. call it destiny.

sometimes God who knows best, would give trouble to test us, sometimes He also injure the liver. so that His wisdom can be embedded in the.

if we lose the love then there must be a reason behind it. reason that is sometimes difficult to understand, but we must believe that when He took something, he was ready to give a better.

why wait?

because although we want to make a decision, we do not want to rush. because although we want quickly, we do not want to be reckless. because although we wanted to find the people we love. we do not want to lose our identity in the process of that search.

if you want to run, learn to walk first ...
if you want to swim, learn to float first ...
if you want to be loved, learn to love the first ...

in the end ...

better wait for the people we want, rather than choosing what is there.
still better to wait for those we love, rather than satisfying themselves with what is there. still better to wait for the right person, because life is too short to pass up with the wrong choice, because the wait to have a noble purpose and mysterious.

How to Make Rice Uduk

Ingredients Rice Uduk:

* 500 grams of rice, washed, drained
* 600 ml coconut milk from an old coconut
* 1 tablespoon salt
* 2 bay leaves
* 2 pieces of pandan leaves, torn, tie
* 1 teaspoon coriander powder

Sambal Beans Rice Recipe Uduk:

* 100 grams of peanuts, fried
* 1 red chili
* 10 pieces of chili pepper (according to taste)
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
* 1 tablespoon vinegar
* 150 ml boiled water

Complementary Rice Recipe Uduk:

* teri nasi goreng
* hotcakes
* fried onions
* fried chips
* peanut sauce
* sliced ​​omelet

How to make Rice Uduk:

1. Sambai steamed rice half cooked (25 minutes), transfer to pan. Boil coconut milk with other ingredients, pour until about 1 knuckle above the rice. Jerangkan over low heat until the coconut milk is absorbed. Steam cooked.
2. Mix the peanut sauce, puree.
3. Serve with supplementary material.

Using The Word Unless In Conditions

Using The Word Unless In Conditions

1. If you don’t leave immediately, I will call a policeman.
Unless you leave immediately, I will call a policeman.
2. Fred wouldn’t do that if he didn’t have your permission.
Fred wouldn’t do that unless he had your permission.
3. I won’t bother to call you if I don't hear from Mr. Brown.
I wont bother to call you unless I hear from Mr. Brown.
4. If you didn’t agree with him, Charles wouldn’t even suggest it.
Unless you agreed with him, Charles wouldn’t even suggest.
5. We can write to Mr. Suzuki if he doesn’t send us his address.
We can write to Mr. Suzuki unless he sending us his address.
6. If you don’t study harder, you’re going to fail the examination.
Unless you study harder, you’re going to fail the examination.
7. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.
I wouldn’t have believed it unless I had seen it with my own eyes.
8. If she doesn’t start the letter now, she’ll have to do it tomorrow.
Unless she start the letter now, she’ll have to do it tomorrow.
9. The lawyer wouldn’t say that if he didn’t have strong evidence.
The lawyer wouldn’t say that unless he had been strong evidence.
10. If you don’t invest you money wisely, you will lost all of it.
Unless you invest your money wisely, you will lost all of it.
11. I won’t say anything if Smith doesn’t bring up the matter himself.
I won’t say anything unless Smith brought up the matter himself.
12. If no more guests come, there will be enough food for everyone.
Unless no more guests are coming, there will be enough food for everyone.
13. Our dog wouldn’t have barked if he hadn’t heard a strange noise.
Our dog wouldn’t have barked unless he had been heard strange noise.

conditional sentences

conditional sentences
Conditional sentence
In grammar, conditional sentences are sentences discussing factual implications or hypothetical situations and their consequences. Languages use a variety of conditional constructions and verb forms (such as the conditional mood) to form such sentences.
Full conditional sentences contain two clauses: the condition or protasis, and the consequence or apodosis.
If it rains [condition], (then) the picnic will be cancelled [consequence].
Syntactically, the condition is the subordinate clause, and the consequence is the main clause. However, the properties of the entire sentence are primarily determined by the properties of the protasis (condition) (its tense and degree of factualness).
Conditional Sentence Type 1
→ It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future
Example: If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.
The main clause can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, don't use a comma.
Example: I will send her an invitation if I find her address.
Note: Main clause and / or if clause might be negative. See Simple Present und will-Future on how to form negative sentences.
Example: If I don’t see him this afternoon, I will phone him in the evening.
Conditional Sentence Type 2
→ It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Past, Conditional I (= would + Infinitive)
Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.
The main clause can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, don't use a comma.
Example: I would send her an invitation if I found her address.
Note: Main clause and / or if clause might be negative. See Simple Past und Conditional I on how to form negative sentences.
Example: If I had a lot of money, I wouldn’t stay here.
Conditional Sentence Type 3
→ It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past.
Form: if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle)
Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.
The main clause can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, don't use a comma.
Example: I would have sent her an invitation if I had found her address.
Note: Main clause and / or if clause might be negative. See Past Perfect and Conditional II on how to form negative sentences.
Example: If I hadn’t studied, I wouldn’t have passed my exams.

In these constructions, the condition clause expresses a condition the truth of which is unverified. The verb in the condition clause is in the past tense (with a past tense interpretation) or in the present tense (with a present or future tense interpretation). The result clause can be in the past, present, or future. Generally, conditional sentences of this group are in two groups, the "zero conditional" and the potential or indicative conditional, often called "first conditional" or "conditional 1". This class includes universal statements (both clauses in the present, or both clauses in the past) and predictions.
The "zero" conditional is formed with both clauses in the present tense. This construction is similar across many languages. It is used to express a certainty, a universal statement, a law of science, etc.:
If you heat water to 100 degrees celsius, it boils.
If you don't eat for a long time, you become hungry.
If the sea is stormy, the waves are high.
It is different from true conditionals because the introductory "if" can be replaced by "when" or "whenever" (e.g., "When you heat water..."), which cannot be done for true conditionals.
The potential or indicative conditional, often referred to as the "first conditional" or "conditional 1", is used more generally to express a hypothetical condition that is potentially true, but not yet verified. The conditional clause is in the present or past tense and refers to a state or event in the past. The result can be in the past, present, or future. Some examples with the condition clause in the past tense:
If she took that flight yesterday, she arrived at 10pm.
If she took that flight yesterday, she is somewhere in town today.
If she took that flight yesterday, we'll see her tomorrow.
A condition clause (protasis) in the present tense refers to a future event, a current event which may be true or untrue, or an event which could be verified in the future. The result can be in the past, present, or future:
If it's raining here now, then it was raining on the West Coast this morning.
If it's raining now, then your laundry is getting wet.
If it's raining now, there will be mushrooms to pick next week.
If it rains this afternoon, then yesterday's weather forecast was wrong.
If it rains this afternoon, your garden party is doomed.
If it rains this afternoon, everybody will stay home.
Certain modal auxiliary verbs (mainly will, may, might, and could) are not usually used in the condition clause (protasis) in English:
*If it will rain this afternoon, …
*If it may have rained yesterday, …
In these constructions, the condition clause expresses a condition that is known to be false, or presented as unlikely. The result clause contains a conditional verb form consisting ofwould (or could, should, might) plus a main verb in the base form (infinitive without to).
The contrary-to-fact present conditional, often referred to as the "second conditional" or "conditional 2", is used to refer to a current state or event that is known to be false or improbable. The past subjunctive (or in colloquial English, simply the past tense) must be used:
If she were [colloq. was] at work today, she would know how to deal with this client.
If I were [colloq. was] the king, I could have you thrown in the dungeon.
The same structure can be used to refer to a future state or event:
If I won the lottery, I would buy a car.
If he said that to me, I would run away.
In many cases, when referring to future events, the difference between a realis and irrealis conditional is very slight:
(realis) If you leave now, you can still catch your train.
(irrealis) If you left now, you could still catch your train.
The contrary-to-fact past conditional (sometime referred to as the "third" conditional, conditional 3) is used to refer to contrary-to-fact past events. The pluperfect (or past perfect) is used in the condition clause.
If you had called me, I would have come.
If you had done your job properly, we wouldn't be in this mess now.
Some varieties of English regularly use would (often shortened to (I)'d) and would have (often shortened to (I)'d have) in counterfactual condition clauses, but this is often considered non-standard: If you'd leave now, you'd be on time. (conditional 2.) / If you (would)'ve told me, we could've done something about it. (conditional 3.) Such use of would is widespread especially in spoken US English in all sectors of society, but these forms are not usually used in more formal writing. Nevertheless, some reliable sources simply label this usage as acceptable US English and no longer label it as colloquial.
Should can appear in the condition clause to refer to a future event presented as possible, but unlikely, undesirable, or otherwise "remote": If I should die before I wake, …, If you should ever find yourself in such a situation, …


Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Unreal Conditions: Present and Future

Unreal Conditions: Present and Future
1. If I (have) the day off tomorrow, I would go to the beach.
If I had the day off tomorrow, I would go to the beavh.
2. If I (have) a million dollars right now, I would retire.
If I had a million dollars rigth now, I would retire.
3. If I (be) the mayor of this city, I would change certain things.
If I were the mayor of this city, I would change certain things.
4. If that man (work) harder, he could earn more money.
If that man worked harder, he could earn more money.
5. I would gladly tell you the answer, if I only (know) it myself.
I would gladly tell you the answer, if I only knew it myself.
6. If Don and I (have) enough money, we would buy a house.
If Don and I had enough money, we would buy a house.
7. If the weather (be) better right now, we could go for a walk.
If the weather were better right now, we could go for a walk.
8. That student would get much higher marks if he (study) harder.
That student would get much higher marks if he studyed harder.
9. If Mr. Smith (call) me, I would explain everything to him.
If Mr. Smith called me, I would explain everything to him.
10. Mr Moore would give up teaching if he (enjoy, not) it so much.
Mr. Moore would give up teaching if he not enjoyed it so much.
11. If I (be) in your place, I would accept Mr. Anderson’s offer.
If I were in your place, I would accept Mr. Anderson’s offer.
12. Poeple would understand you better if you (speak) more carefully.
Poeple would understand you better if you spoke more carefully.

Unreal Conditions : Past

Unreal Conditions : Past

1. If George (have) the money, he would have lent it to me.
If George had had the money, he would have lent it to me.
2. I would have spoken to Frank if I (see) him yesterday.
I would have spoken to Frank if I had seem him yesterday.
3. If the weather (be) better, we would have left Friday morning.
If the weather had been better, we would have left Friday morning.
4. Alice would have told you the truth if you (ask) her about it.
Alice would have told you the truth if you had asked her about it.
5. If you (study) a little harder, you would have passed the test.
If you had studyed a little harder, you would have passed the test.
6. I could have lent you some money if I (spend, not) everything.
I could have lent you some money if I hadn’t spent everything.
7. If three (be) any complaints, we would have heard about them.
If three had been any complaints, we would have heard about them.
8. We would have gone with Fred last Friday if he (invite) us.
We would have gone with Fred last Friday if he had invited us.
9. If you (ask, only) me, I could easily have given you the answer.
If you only had asked me, I could easily have given you the answer.
10. Bill would have taken more photographs if he (had) more film.
Bill would have taken more photographs if he had had more film.
11. If Tom (be) here yesterday, he would have been able to advise us.
If Tom had been here yesterday, he would have been able to advise us.
12. We would have bought that house if the price (be) a little lower.
We would have bought that house if the price had been a little lower.
13. If they (need) any help with the work, they would have called us.
If they had needed any help with the work, they would have called us.

Senin, 04 April 2011

how to increase your TOEFL score

Learning certain foreign language will be a great thing for some people, thus there are many solutions they can look at if they really want to master that language in relatively fast time. You can also do the same thing. In this case, learning English is a must thing and you must remember that a standard is required to assess the achievement of someone. In this case, TOEFL is one of the examples. It stands for Test of English as Foreign Language.

Recently, there are many requirements you need to fulfill whenever you register to certain institution or applying for a job, and one of the most common is about the TOEFL score. Some companies still require their employees to have the adequate score for TOEFL and it becomes the standard to assess the English skill. The following explanation will tell you more about it.

In fact, building up the vocabulary of a foreign language is not a very easy task to be done for many people. This problem will get worse if you are not accustomed to use such language in your daily life, especially for conversation. But, people do not need to worry, since the following steps will help them to cope with such situation very well.

The first recommended step to help you effectively build up your vocabulary and get the high TOEFL score is to read plenty of reading materials that interest you. In this case, it is not a wise idea to force yourself to read only educational books that bore you. It is a plain truth that reading something interest will bring you to the interesting learning. All you need to do is to pick out the words that you do not know the meaning to and look them up in the dictionary.

And then, the next recommended step to get the high TOEFL score is to try putting the newly learned words into practice. It is not a problem if you cannot use it in a practice in your daily life because of the absence of partners to speak English. You can start to use the words when sending e-mails. You can even speak to yourself using these words. It is a plain idea that the common difficulty in learning new language is the absence of people who can be our partners and help us to be accustomed and be able to speak that foreign language fluently.

Another step of getting the high TOEFL score is through the use of technology. One of the examples is by watching English movies. It is claimed to be the fun and effective way to understand English speakers. It is possible for you to use software programs and TOEFL preparation DVDs designed to build power vocabulary.

By paying attention to the steps above, you will finally get nothing but the best results for your TOEFL and the big chance to be accepted to your dreamlike company will be brought to your hand. You should make sure that all the efforts you would have done are the suitable thing with the instructions given to you before. For some people, reaching the best score is not an impossible thing, and you can get the same result if you have a great will to do for the best too.

Article Source:

Jumat, 01 April 2011

verb to complement

Verb to Complement
1. The teacher decided (to accept) the paper.
2. They appreciate (having) this information.
3. His father doesn’t approve of his (going) to Europe.
4. We found it very difficult (to reach) a decision.
5. Donna is interested in (opening) a bar.
6. George has intention of (leaving) the city now.
7. We are cager (to return) to school in the fall.
8. You would be better off (buying) the car.
9. She refused (to accept) the gift.
10. Mary regrets (being) the one to have to tell him.
11. George pretended (to be) sick yesterday.
12. Charles hopes (to finish) his thesis this year.
13. They agreed (to leave) early.
14. Helen was Anxious (to tell) her family about her promotion.
15. We are not ready (to stop) this research at this time.
16. Henry shouldn’t risk (driving) so fast.
17. We demands (to know) what is going on.
18. She is looking forward to (returning) to her country.
19. There is no excuse for (leaving) the room in this condition.
20. Gerald returned to his home after (leaving) the game.

verb agreement

Verb Agreement
1. Neither Bill nor Marry (is) going to the play tonight.
2. Anything (is) better than going to another movie tonight.
3. Skating (are) becoming more popular every day.
4. A number of reporters (were) at the conference yesterday.
5. Everybody who (has) a fever must go home immediately.
6. Your glasses (were) on the bureau last night.
7. There (were) some people at the meeting last night.
8. The committed (has) already reached a decision.
9. A pair of jeans (were) in the washing machine in this morning.
10. Each student (has) answered the first three question.
11. Either John or his wife (makes) breakfast each morning.
12. After she had perused the material, the secretary decided that everything (was) in order.
13. The crowd at the basketball game (was) wild with excitement.
14. A pack of wild dogs (have) frightened all the ducks away.
15. The jury (is) trying to reach a decision.
16. The army (has) eliminated this section of the training test.
17. The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter (are) appalling.
18. There (have) been too many interruptions in this class.
19. Every elementary school teacher (has) to take this examination.
20. Neither Jill nor her parents (have) seen this movie before.

Selasa, 08 Maret 2011


I wake up and find,
in lonely times made me killing,
love without hope,
sky in dark heart,
your smile to tear my soul,
I fall in yours,
to chide everyone
where is a reply for me,
while I am laying and fall...
back my heart,
I still could remember how am I without you,
made me in the march of cloud
then I crashes,sink, and drunk cause your touched...
I wish stop my heart, but I hurt, killed, and I am like
my lived is like a dead shadows full nervous and recorded fantasy
why should I love you,
O world of dreams?



Aku bangun dan menemukan,
di saat kesepian membuat saya membunuh,
cinta tanpa harapan,
langit di jantung gelap,
senyummu merobek jiwa saya,
Aku jatuh milikmu,
untuk menegur semua orang
mana adalah jawaban untuk saya,
sementara saya berbaring dan jatuh ...
kembali hatiku,
Aku masih ingat bagaimana aku tanpa kamu,
membuat saya dalam perjalanan awan
maka saya crash, tenggelam, dan mabuk menyebabkan menyentuh Anda ...
Saya ingin menghentikan jantung saya, tetapi saya sakit, membunuh, dan saya suka
saya hidup adalah seperti bayang-bayang mati fantasi gugup dan dicatat penuh
kenapa harus aku mencintaimu,
O dunia mimpi?

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Around the office

1. Wastepaper basket
2. Fax machine
3. Filling cabinet
4. Desk
5. Drawers
6. Scales
7. Photocopier
8. Briefcase
9. Computer
10. Files
11. Laptop
12. Chairs
13. Sofa
14. Picture
15. Windows
16. Clock
17. Printer
18. Phones
19. Air conditioner
20. Stop contact
21. Television
22. Radio
23. pens
24. Calendar
25. Books
26. Name grass
27. Door
28. Papers
29. Newspaper
30. President picture
31. Vice president picture
32. Vase
33. Magazine
34. Dispenser
35. CC TV
36. Web cam
37. Cupboard
38. Refrigerator
39. Mirror
40. Glass
41. Carpet
42. Scanner
43. Calculator
44. Pencils
45. Scissors
46. Stapler
47. Rules
48. Rubber
49. Stapler
50. Paper clip

On your desk
1. Rubber
2. Stapler
3. Calculator
4. In-tray
5. Sellotape
6. Scissors
7. Paper clip
8. Hole punch
9. Drawing pins
10. Envelope
11. Pencil sharpener
12. Pencils
13. Pens
14. Rules
15. Newspaper
16. Books
17. Files
18. Phone
19. Name grass
20. A cup of water
21. Glue
22. Vase
23. Magazine
24. Mouse
25. CPU
26. Monitor
27. Keyboard
28. Speaker
29. Photo
30. Hand phone

Using irregular verbs

1. I have written
2. Class have done
3. I have known
4. Has taken
5. Have fallen
6. Has been
7. Has shut, already the back door
8. Have read
9. Has chosen
10. Have spoken
11. Has grown
12. Has spent
13. Have bought
14. Has sold
15. Has
16. Have forgot
17. We have heard already
18. Has gone
19. Has worn
20. Have sat
21. Has stolen
22. Have understood
23. Had
24. Has found
25. Has been
26. Had
27. Have seen
28. We have spoken already
29. Has flown never
30. Have torn
31. Have read already, have written


Verb1 Verb2 Verb3
1. Eat ate eaten
2. Do did done
3. Come come come
4. Buy bought bought
5. Leave left left
6. Let let let
7. Lie lay lain
8. Meat met met
9. Make made made
10. Know knew known
11. Write wrote written
12. Win won won
13. Stick stuck stuck
14. Shoot shot shot
15. See saw seen
16. Put put put
17. Speak spoke spoken
18. Shut shut shut
19. Sleep slept slept
20. Rise rose risen
21. Tell told told
22. Will would willing
23. Wind wound wound
24. Spring sprang sprung
25. Cut cut cut
26. Blow blew blown
27. Beat beat beaten
28. Begin began begun
29. Bite bit bitten
30. Build built built
31. Take took taken
32. Think thought thought
33. Get got got
34. Hide hid hidden
35. Forget forgot forgotten
36. Send sent sent
37. Rid rid rid
38. Read read read
39. Drink drank drunk
40. Cost cost cost
41. Fall fell fallen
42. Have had had
43. Drive drove driven
44. Cast cast cast
45. Choose chose chosen
46. Lose lost lost
47. Shut shut shut
48. Set set set
49. Spin spun spun
50. Stand stood stood

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